The foreign collaborator of Japlan, is a well established and respected trading Company of Japan- TozaiBoeki Kaisha Ltd, referred to as ‘TBK’. TBK has been present in Sri Lanka for decades, through a Liaison Office and as business developed, it decided to set-up a Unit in Sri Lanka in collaboration with like-minded Sri Lankan enterpreuners involved in the Agricultural field, which resulted in the formation and incorporation of the Company - Japlan Holdings (Pvt) Ltd.
The Company commenced operations as an importer of agro-chemicals & fertilizers, to service the agricultural industry. As this exercise took the Company to all parts of the Island country, it realized certain other areas that had potential and decided to consider strategic expansions as a business development activity Thereafter, the Company expanded its business to other areas of commercial activity, while retaining its original objective of being a provider of quality inputs to the Agri produce & crop solution sectors of the industry.
The success achieved so far has been due to the commitment, drive, innovativeness and forward thinking of its employees at all levels under the proper leadership and guidance of senior Management. In view of this , the Company has been able to align & position themselves in sectors that show a high growth potential.
To be the foremost supplier of quality and innovative products to the all stake holders and in a sustainable manner.
Providing of branded products and services of superior quality and value, that would improve the lives of the consumers we cater to.
Qualitative improvement of performance by designing portfolios supported by resource reallocation, integrated business unit strategies and planning processes which contributes towards achieving of success in a sustained manner.